Carol Bird was born on Christmas Day. She has spent all of her 11 years putting others above herself, always finding ways to make their lives a little more special. Even when faced with her own illness, the pure goodness of her heart shines through. She vows to find a way to spread Christmas cheer and decides to give a grand Christmas Party for a poor neighborhood family. (summary by Laura Caldwell and Sarah Jennings
Genre(s): Children’s Fiction, Family
Language: English
Free English Story Audio and eBook: The Birds’ Christmas Carol
Author: Kate Douglas Wiggin (1856 – 1923)

Listen and Read ” The Birds’ Christmas Carol by Kate Douglas Wiggin ” Audiobook, eBook together to Learn and Improve English
Read Online: The Birds’ Christmas Carol by Kate Douglas Wiggin
Listen To Audio: Click the Following Links
A Little Snow-Bird | 00:08:19 |
Drooping Wings | 00:06:18 |
The Bird’s Nest | 00:08:57 |
“Birds of a Feather Flock Together” | 00:12:09 |
Some Other Birds are Taught to Fly | 00:15:03 |
“When the Pie was Opened, the Birds Began to Sing” | 00:15:03 |
The Birdling Flies Away | 00:06:32 |