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A voyage on the famous Nonestic Ocean! What could be more thrilling than that? We—many of us—have taken trips on the prosaic Atlantic or even Pacific, but have we found a SEA FOREST with flying fish and swimming birds? Have we been pursued by a real SEA SERPENT, or had our ship transfixed by the immense ivory tusk of a NARWHAL? Have we come upon the glittering island of PEAKENSPIRE, or made friends with a charming talking hippopotamus? Yet all these things and more befall Captain Salt, one time Pirate and now Royal Explorer of Oz, and his merry crew. They come back with their hold bursting with unique and fascinating specimens, with their chart crowded with new islands, all claimed for Ozma of Oz! Captain Salt in Oz (1936) is the thirtieth in the series of Oz novels created by L. Frank Baum. (Original publisher’s book summary)

Genre(s): NON-FICTION, General, Children, Young Readers

Language: English

Free English Story Audio-Book and eBookCaptain Salt in Oz

Author: Ruth Plumly Thompson

Captain Salt in Oz by Ruth Plumly Thompson

Listen and Read “Captain Salt in Oz by Ruth Plumly Thompson” Audiobook, eBook together to Learn and Improve English

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Listen To Audio: Click the Following Links

Sail Ho!00:18:24
Anchors Aweigh00:09:28
The Fire Baby00:20:53
Samuel’s First Specimen00:16:37
Patrippany Island00:15:49
A Little Wild Man00:19:39
Strange Specimens for Samuel Salt00:17:51
Maxims for Monarchs00:16:12
Sea Legs for Tandy00:17:08
The City of Bridges00:16:46
The Prince of the Peaks00:15:45
The Sea Forest00:13:00
The Sea Unicorn!00:11:24
The Collector Is Collected00:16:10
The Storm!00:06:17
The Old Man of the Jungle!00:08:16
A New Country00:15:32
Boglodore’s Revenge00:13:13
King Tandy00:04:37
A Voyage Resumed00:09:43 Free Audiobooks and eBooks Stories Books Collection

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