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The Boy Scouts of America was founded over a hundred years ago to serve the young men of the United States of America and give them the same oppurtunities that Boy Scouts all over the world were receiving. Modeled after Robert Baden-Powell’s Scouting for Boys, the Boy Scouts Handbook of the Boy Scouts of America gave the original american Boy Scouts a taste of adventure, excitement, and values for them to use for the rest of their life, and is still good reading for the modern age. This is the first edition, published in 1911. – Summary by Kangaroo692

Genre(s): Children’s Non-fiction, Sports & Recreation, Children, Young Readers, INSTRUCTIONAL

Language: English

Free English Story Audio-Book and eBook: Boy Scouts Handbook

Author: Boy Scouts of America

Boy Scouts Handbook by Boy Scouts of America

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Preface, Officers and Members of the National Council, and A Message from the Chief Scout00:25:54
Scoutcraft, part 100:13:39
Scoutcraft, part 200:15:08
Scoutcraft, part 300:13:44
Scoutcraft, part 400:44:30
Scoutcraft, part 500:18:16
Woodcraft, part 100:16:54
Woodcraft, part 200:15:16
Woodcraft, part 300:13:30
Woodcraft, part 400:14:32
Woodcraft, part 500:16:30
Woodcraft, part 600:13:08
Woodcraft, part 700:19:51
Woodcraft, part 800:16:32
Woodcraft, part 900:13:53
Woodcraft, part 1000:12:02
Woodcraft, part 1100:17:24
Woodcraft, part 1200:16:16
Campcraft, part 100:23:52
Campcraft, part 200:17:14
Campcraft, part 300:06:23
Campcraft, part 400:12:00
Campcraft, part 500:10:57
Campcraft, part 600:19:07
Campcraft, part 700:11:40
Tracks, Trailing and Signaling, part 100:13:59
Tracks, Trailing and Signaling, part 200:16:38
Tracks, Trailing and Signaling, part 300:21:03
Health and Endurance, part 100:13:48
Health and Endurance, part 200:12:30
Chivalry, part 100:14:30
Chivalry, part 200:15:21
First Aid and Life Saving, part 100:12:25
First Aid and Life Saving, part 200:11:48
First Aid and Life Saving, part 300:09:19
First Aid and Life Saving, part 400:07:12
First Aid and Life Saving, part 500:16:37
Games and Athletic Standards, the Games, part 100:11:22
Games and Athletic Standards, the Games, part 200:14:07
Games and Athletic Standards, the Games, part 300:12:50
Games and Athletic Standards, the Games, part 400:13:22
Games and Athletic Standards, the Games, part 500:16:42
Patriotism and Citizenship, part 100:18:22
Patriotism and Citizenship, part 200:15:48
Patriotism and Citizenship, part 300:14:24
Patriotism and Citizenship, part 400:18:14
Patriotism and Citizenship, part 500:35:12
Books for Reference00:59:50 Free Audiobooks and eBooks Stories Books Collection

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