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The Teenie Weenies are people two inches tall who live under a rose bush with “real world” size materials made from discarded objects like hats, jars, barrels, kegs, and boxes – all of which were gigantic to them. Each Teenie Weenie has a unique personality that both names them and defines how they interact with the world and each other. The General is in charge and runs the tiny village, the Cook of course is in charge of food, the Fireman, the Policeman, The Turk, the Indian, The Cowboy, the Chinese Man, Grandma, Grandpa, The Lady of Fashion and many many more have many adventures. These stories are not long and if popular I might post more Teenie Weenie books. – Summary by Phil Chenevert

Genre(s): General, Children, Young Readers

Language: English

Free English Story Audio-Book and eBook: Adventures of the Teenie Weenies

Author: William Donahey

Adventures of the Teenie Weenies by William Donahey

Listen and Read “Adventures of the Teenie Weenies by William Donahey” Audiobook, eBook together to Learn and Improve English

Read Online Text eBook: Adventures of the Teenie Weenies by William Donahey

Listen To Audio: Click the Following Links

The Teenie Weenies – Who They Are and Where They Live00:09:29
The Easter Egg00:04:56
The Rain Came Down By the Thimblefull00:04:20
Gogo and the Cook Run Across an Early Bird00:03:32
The Dunce Picks a Soft Place to Fall00:04:50
Help! Policemans !00:04:33
The Chinaman Asks for a Cistern00:04:08
The Doctor Saves a Bird00:04:55
Friday the Thirteenth00:05:46
An Invitation00:06:12
The Mouse Back Race00:05:01
A Watermelon Feast00:04:36
The Dunce Gets Stuck in a Plate of Taffy00:03:44
The Great Field Day00:04:10
The Dunce Pulls a Tooth00:05:07
An Adventure With a Frog00:04:41
Something About A Bear00:05:28
The Invention00:04:09
The Great Ball00:06:14
A Most Unlucky Mouse00:04:12
Mrs. Mouse Asks a Favor00:04:21
The Scotsman Goes South00:04:14
Fire! Fire! Fire!00:03:09
The Dunce Takes a Tumble00:06:57
The Clown Falls Off a Stool and Knocks Down a House00:03:59
The Army is Put to Rout00:06:25
Coughing Syrup00:05:18
The Clown Has a Narrow Escape00:05:35
A Squirrel To the Rescue00:04:45
A Christmas Present00:03:48
Mother Bunch Drinks a Toast00:04:53 Free Audiobooks and eBooks Stories Books Collection

By x10tv

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